Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fangs of separation

I stretched lazily and walked up to my window. A sweeper raking specks of leaves from the pale green grass swathed in the morning sunlight. A stray mongrel waited by, confused. I squinted to see who else was lounging around after breakfast. Just one more morning, I thought. At this window.

People deal with farewell and separation in many different ways. They try different ways till the one time they find that they have truly cut themselves successfully away, without much damage. They develop networking and social skills and try hard to keep in touch, in hope that one day they'll never have to say the dreaded word. I hate saying goodbye - to places, to things. Especially to people.

Some people deal with it by slowly taking it in. By savoring and enjoying every last second. With the things they always wanted to do. By taking pictures, by graciously accepting that this is going to be the last time. They wish they would cry and get over with the sorrow but then the tears disappoint. Because they have already grieved enough.

Sometimes, you want to say goodbye by spending all your time with that person or in that place. Doing things you have always enjoyed doing, living the life you have always led. Perhaps with a implicit reassurance that nothing will change and nothing should. This is when you want to believe that this going away is just a small deviation in the master plan of life.

Some people deal with it by keeping away. They immerse themselves in packing, running errands, in things which would take them away from dealing with the pain, and in the process those precious last few moments. They simply don't want any memories of saying goodbye. That would ruin the lovely picture they have in their minds.

Some people just walk away, out of your lives, in a precious second. Some people cry. If it needs some alcohol, so be it. Some people say nice words. Some others hug and kiss.

I blog.


Shashank Avadhani said...


I am sure the popular XL tradition of treating your favourite juniors till you no longer feel the 'fangs' anymore must be at the top of your mind!

Like the famous Beetles song goes-'I don't know why you say goodbye-I say hello!!'

Hrishi said...

words are not so intimidating after all in spite of the popular belief......nicely written.

Unknown said...

hey i like ur blog and the writing is really articulate compared to other blogs that i have read. was surprised to read that u are a mallu but lived in tamil nadu n what not. i can sort of relate to it since i am a mallu and my 5th to 12th was in tamil nadu and born in europe. what similarities. anyway keep up the blog and keep the good writing coming. cheers!

Unknown said...

i will be lurking around to read ur stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi , you write very well, you write from your heart with a sensitivity and honesty that makes for inspiring reading.
There are not many like you around,
best of luck...

Meera said...

And you bid adieu to XLRI and college days...
Its painful to say goodbye to people..i still seem to hate it.

aswin said...

goodbye lurks behind every single hello and vice versa. In this vicious circle of words and unkempt emotion,what lasts is nothing but memory, which in turn needs some cue to be decrypted by brain to understandable and meaningful thoughts.An another vicious circle is made... that becomes a series of concentric circles.
words still cling on make it worse...

Arjun.C.N said...

Out of college!!! Finally!!! Gud luck!!!

mythalez said...

The worst part is when, a few months after bidding the goodbye, it strikes u that u wud never have those moments again :-<

Krishna "AGLOCO" Prakash said...

Good writing skills, you have expressed important things casually in a laid back manner. Keep it up.

Krishnapriya said...

Hi dear..
I am running high on mush factor too, so loved this post of yours! What you doing, what you up to?? Check out my blog for updates on my lil' ones n me!!! take care...

Child Woman said...

very cute blogspot....very lady like

Child Woman said...

very cute blogspot.....very womanly

Dish said...

Phew.....So I finally completed reading ur blogs since Jan '05!! A treat to the mind...literally. Liked ur simple but highly effective use of the language. But, after taking the mean of your intervals between posts, it is very likely that your next post is gonna come after approximately 1.5 months, and it is precisely THIS that I would ask you not to do ;-) Speed up n post more....this is the first reader of your book speaking ;-)

wiseorotherwise said...

Awesome blog! :)

Unknown said...

and I write to farewell....

Through these years,
memories blooming in mind….
we climbed the ladder of knowledge
leaving childhood behind.

with only memories lingering,
in the world of changing trends.

farewell is to a new & more exciting adventure.
although there will be hard times,
forget them and remember the good ones..

but now time has come,
to become a Shining star in the sky,
so let us not forget,
each other until we die……..
and now
with a heavy heart lets say goodbye……

future is (y)our.. onwards & upwards..

btw: accidentally crash landed here.. thought why not leave finger print in comment box.

Anonymous said...

Hey there: nicely put. There was this comment by Emily Dickinson which went something like 'Parting: it's all we know of heaven, and all we need of hell.' I have to admit though that I picked it off an x-men comic.

Try 'The Shadow lines' by Amitava Ghosh: nice thoughts on parting, memories and the past. You might like it.

XL '02

Srinath said...

I loved this post !!! not only bcos it struck a chord as I hate the goodbyes too, but mainly cos of the way u've put ur feelings into a nice flow of words... gr8 goin!!

Anonymous said...

but who has come and who has gone? what has been discovered and what has been lost?

these people, these emotions, these memories, they are not new to the atmosphere they have been created by.

we just pass the lane, dimly lit, trying to focus hard on the ground we tread on, looking hard not to trip on something. looking hard to see if it's smooth enough, cautious steps, one after the other. concentrating hard. and suddenly we see, the lane is crossed, there are better lights now making the new lane glitter. the surface looks smoother and sober. time to step on it. hoping, at least there will be no need to strain those tired eyes...but hey...we just left something behind. it looks like a picture in sepia now. its wonderful memory now...its warm now...its romantic now. and in one freeze frame that stands out...there is you looking down at your own feet firm on the surface!

Sheeladitya Mohanty said...

It's 29th March, 2009... And this is your super junior passing through the same pangs of separation from XL.... And reading about your last days somehow makes it easier.

Thank you for making this Goodbye a little more bearable.